Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Movie Theatre Popcorn

I am not too focused on the guilts of the world. Just my own. When guilt calls, I run to the phone and listen. I'm ready for it. Some might even say I train for it.

Movie theatre popcorn is one of my greatest guilts. I like food I can see my reflection in, it is so greasy. Food that practically screams "don't eat me! I'm terrible for you!" as you're cramming it in your mouth. It has come to the point where the movie-viewing process is completely backward: I start craving the popcorn, then I decide which movie I want to go see. Or at least, which movie I can get some enjoyment from as I indulge in the main spectacle: the popcorn.

Even the atmosphere in which you eat this popcorn screams of guilty pleasure: you take this giant tub of overpriced butter, salt, and popcorn into a dark room where anonymity rules, and then you indulge. You can't even see what you're eating, just adding to the indulgence (If I can't see it, the calories don't count, right?).

Greasy, salty, buttery deliciousness. The satisfying crunch and the explosion of guilty flavors. Movie theatre popcorn should be in the guilty pleasure hall of fame.