Wednesday, November 27, 2013

The best Holiday Hairdo ever is today's Hump Day Hurrah.

Today's Hump Day Hurrah is an appreciation of Holiday Hairdos around the globe. While there are some spectacular choices in Hollywood, we found his Holiness to be in first place.  Nothing beats Pope Benedict's stylish crop of snow white hair for the Holidays.  The former Pope makes an excellent point with his index finger to enjoy the Holidays this year

In this rare instance, I am taking the Pontiff's advice. That's because I am possessed with the concept of Living Well and enjoying life's many Guilty Pleasures.  It's true. Rumor has it that the Papal College has me on their High-Caloric Watch List. Somehow I have avoided their considerable scrutiny so far.

It does not matter, as my Guilt as been long established and well-documented.  I am doomed. Doomed I tell you! Not in a damnation sort of way, but in a "What's wrong with having Plugra butter on everything?  Isn't extra flavor a good thing?"

I cannot go an hour without daydreaming about some decadent red coconut curry sauce or pining for an overflowing bowl of Banana's Foster with Herrell's Brown Butter Ice Cream. It might be the best ice cream on the planet. It leaves me speechless, but blissful.  

My legendary life is one constant quest for the Guiltorious goods that make us marvel in the moment like a finely aged-liqueur and a chocolate souffle. Tomorrow is Thanksgiving and there is so much to savor with family and friends.  With my new Brandy sniffer in hand, a well-worn leather chair makes the perfect perch to watch the Cowboys stumble and fall.

I am doomed to marvel and explore. Doomed I tell you.