Saturday, January 23, 2010

Keeping warm with soup is a Guilty delight.

We are smack in the middle of winter and yet spring is just starting to stir. As we mature, nothing get old quicker than cold weather. The nose runs, the legs ache and the shivering persists. Blankets, fuzzy slippers and sweatshirts become my close friends.

In the winter, comfy and cozy is my guilty dream. A brimming bowl of hot soup will always open the door to the Village of C Squared.

I love to savor my soup, especially a teeming tureen of Thin Mint's Chicken & Artichoke Chowder with extra wide noodles. She is an expert at keeping toasty when the sun sets early and the Hawk is out. It's a family legacy and she is all about tradition.

There so many delicious soups and many of them are bonafide Guilty Pleasures.

  • French Onion Soup is Cheese Festival dancing the Macarana in your mouth.

  • Bacon and Corn Chowder is a great first course on Super Bowl Sunday a.k.a. The Guilty Bowl.

  • Turkey Dumpling Soup, when done right, is an emotional transporter. I swear it has magical powers that send us to very good place. It's the Yoga of Soups.
  • New England Clam Chowder from Legal Seafood's in Boston is etched lovingly in my college memories. I love those OTC crackers in my chowder.

  • Carrot Ginger Soup with Lobster makes you happy to be alive and itching for spring.

Happy to be alive sounds like a excellent Guilty byproduct to me. When it comes to enjoying your favorite Guilty Pleasures, not all collateral has to be damage.