Friday, January 31, 2014

Guilty's Super Bowl Poetry

                                    Guiltfully in the Kitchen we love to create.
                           A top secret Superbowl sauce for those who celebrate
                                   Knowing an extra ladle of love will make it great,
                                      All those found Guilty can hardly wait.
                                 Cherishing our bountiful second and third plates.
                        Come Sunday, Guilty and his front row friends will be there.
                                            Ribs, Hoagies and tasty sides
                                                  Broncos and Seahawks,
                                                  Oh what a decadent ride.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Biscuits, Biscuits and more Biscuits. Some days you just got to bake'm and weep

I wake up every morning with the best of intentions.  This is the day I strictly follow my diet.

8 am. Sound the trumpets.  Print the flyers.  And capture the flag.  This is the day.

8:30 am.  My Guilty Meter is starting it's Siren call.  Damn.  I am in deep trouble.  My will power is starting to crumble.  And then it happens.

9:00 am.  The Southern biscuits have arrived.  Tall and buttery.
Like the Battle of Chancellorville, the struggle is lost.  At least temporarily.  

Rally round the flag.  I feel a comeback in the making or a second biscuit with jam.

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Looking for a three way? Guilty's got you covered

When it comes reaching the pinnacle of Guilty Mountain, nothing is more satisfying than enjoying a thick chop perfectly grilled and a cold beverage. Veal, pork or prime rib. I love all three types of macho on the bone dining.  I reach the Guilty Zone when there's a three way on my plate.  The parade of chops with sauteed onions and an Oyster mushroom demi is always one of most decadent meals you could ever imagine.

Extra napkins please.  And yes, it's more than okay to pick up the bone,

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Live Well. Live Guilty. Live a Legendary Life......

January 17th came and went last week without raising a glass to the American Hobbit aka Benjamin Franklin. We corrected that oversight with a fine French Bougelet.  One of the Founding members of the Guilty Pleasures was toasted recently in Princeton as we catered a Guilty Pleasures luncheon featuring Filet Mignon soaked in roasted shallot butter. On decree from the secret brain trust of the Guilty Pleasures Club, no calorie counting was allowed in this Central Jersey hamlet for January and February as spicy french fries and beer-battered onion rings provided the perfect accompaniments to our exceptionally tender tenderloin.

Individually prepared by Chef Greg and Chef Jay, the Banana's Foster provided a wickedly delicious dessert. This flambeed Mari Gras favorite is always a GPC attention getter. Second servings are highly-recommended.

This decadent winter luncheon was worthy of a Guilties nomination, Copycating is enthusiastically encouraged. After all, the pursuit of happiness is a groundbreaking inalienable right granted by the U.S. Constitution. It has been long rumored that the esteemed Dr. Benjamin Franklin, looking to hide a secret life, was an original member of the Guilty Pleasures Club. We are still waiting on official confirmation. There is no better way to celebrate the monumental moments in your life than with an event extraordinaire catered by Provence.

To paraphrase the wisdom and visionary words of our most-famous local founding father.......

Raise your glass in tribute.  Live Well. Live Guilty. Live a Legendary life!

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Working hand in hand with Guilty Too

Guilty Too loves his Guilty Pleasures. As you might expect, I have trained him well. GT knows when to double down on the Baby Backs and pile the bacon 
high when the cheeseburger is grilled perfectly.  Being close to the throne, he's been deftly mentored to meet all Guiltorious challenges.  GT understands the importance of savoring the moment and telling a wondrous story. This teenage pup leads by example and always has my back.  He's definitely a huge help when it matters the most.  

The Big Snow just started and there's even more expected tomorrow. It's the perfect time to plan that fun party you have been dreaming about. Break out the snow blower, summon your son and call your caterer.

Monday, January 20, 2014

Daring with the details

Fine dining, tailgating, family room or man cave, it's impossible to ascend to the heights of Guilty Pleasure Glory without the right tools.  No matter what the event or location, you need to be well-prepared to relish the moment.

Thankfully Guilty has help.  No one is better at being daring with the details of personal fun or elegant entertaining than my beautiful wife,Thin Mint.  She has incredible taste and is not afraid to take risks.  That's one of many things I love that about her!

Of course at work or home, we have help from an experienced team.  When it comes to innovation, Guilty's new operations coordinator is part Professor Gadget and part Bill Nye the Science Guy.  

That combo works for me.

Saturday, January 18, 2014

"Let's talk about last night. It was incredible!"

When you go Guilty, the morning after your amazing party is always awesome.  You're still reliving every moment and your guests are too.  

"That was some party last evening." Did you expect anything less?

"The caterer had so many great ideas and the food was fabulous." But of course, we had Thin Mint and her team.

"We had so much fun out on the lawn and I loved your dress." Everyone did!

          Give them something to talk about. 
                 Great Parties by Provence.

Friday, January 17, 2014

Fire up the grill and hunker down for the weekend. Guilty Style

Sunday's NFL playoff games are starting creep into my Guiltorious mindset and menu planning meetings. Hi-end catering has many perks and this process is where Guilty is playing with a full deck. For starters, we are going to fire up Guilty's new grill. What should we woof? Kielbasa?? Definitely.  Brats, Absolutely. Juniper Berry Sauerkraut. Oh yeah!!!.  Those soft torpedo rolls we love to devour are ordered and the parade of mustard's will be at the ready.  Let's Hunker down for a Going Guilty weekend,

Here is IBFoodie's Classic GPC posting on his lifelong love affair with the Polish Prince of Sausage.

What would make a self proclaimed foodie like myself get up at 5:30 AM on a winter day & drive 115 miles to a coal region town in central Pennsylvania.? Kielbasa of course! I mean real Polish Kielbasa, made with three generations of love & care. Hand crafted & incredibly delicious. Kowaloneks Kielbasa shop in Shenandoah is just that place. Mark is the third generation master sausage maker who has blended technology with the old world family recipes to develop products that warm the soul. The attention to old world traditions is what makes their products unique, true & wonderful. Whether you choose the fresh, smoked or one of their specialty products you will see why foodies like myself are willing to drive two hours to get a fix! is a must visit site for true foodies. Having sampled Kielbasa in Port Richmond and Trenton I still am willing to make the drive to Shenandoah for my stash of heavenly meat. It is a true joy to have so many smiling faces willing to assist you and answer any questions as well as the finishing touch of them bringing your order to the car. As a side note note I must applaud the other foodies who so truly appreciate my passion. The man next to me in line just drove three hours from Baltimore.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Quiet please......Guilty Geniuses at work.

Silence in the morning never gets old. With our busy schedules, quietude & seclusion have become a certified Guilty Pleasure. I am always the most productive when door's closed and the mind is open.  Unfortunately, that mellow moment does not happen nearly enough.  As the hospitality business grows, countless people want my attention.  From relentless telemarketers to pushy financial planners to a rude people to bogus charities, the assault on my senses from external sources never stops.

It's a bitter pill to swallow and Guilty Geniuses everywhere need relief. I am sure you can relate.

For everyone looking for rummage through my worn wallet, the Big Boss is not changing credit card processing. Guilty is not buying a copier or the IT services that follow. Guilty is not advancing you money to purchase cigarettes. Guilty is not giving you a small loan to play Fantasy Football. And no, you cannot bring your probation officer to work.  The Stupid Window is now closed.

Like the Librarian at Ben Franklin Elementary School constantly preached, QUIET PLEASEUncle Sam, Mrs. Bush and Guilty thank you for cooperating.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Guilty Dilemma 6048 and still counting

I have made thousands of Guilty Pleasure decisions over the years,  They are always an impulsive, yet thoughtful process.  This is how it all happens.....................

I am alone in my decadent den with a slaphappy pooch watching hockey when a dessert decision for the family manifests itself into a Guilty Dilemma.  What should we have for dessert?  We have chocolate caramel brownies stashed away from our 5 pm pastry sampling. No one is better than Guilty at packaging up those tasty leftovers when it counts.  Or perhaps we should have grilled golden pineapple instead.

Since we already sampled the gooey brownies earlier in the day, I took a pass on a chocolate overload. Now the Guilty Dilemma....Do we go healthy or do we break out my secret ice cream scoop?  Dare I go cold on cold in winter?  I knew the answer, but until I brought out our woolen sweaters, I was afraid to come clean with Thin Mint.

It's mid-January in Philadelphia and I am pining ice cream like six year old in July.      I decided to sample several of the new flavors of Talenti Gelato that were recently stockpiled. Then I topped with the best golden pineapple ever!. You must know my Guilty vision is always astute. The world could end tomorrow and Guilty would still need a full pantry to enjoy on the dark side of moon.

There have been so many Guilty Dilemmas in my legendary life, I have stopped counting. Thankfully I have never made the wrong decision when it comes to Living Well in the front row.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Stones in Hyde Park 44 years after it all began

Like fine Burgundy wine, great rock n'roll music gets even better with age. Advancing technology has made the listening experience a undeniable Guilty Pleasure. Unfortunately, the musicians usually do not hold up as well as their groundbreaking music. Given the challenges of bands living on the road, it's easy to understand how the Superstar image fades with time.

However, that's not the case with those Blokes from London, The Rolling Stones know importance of Living Well.  Now maturing, they all look sensational and more than ready to play their next Guiltorious Gig.  The band was founded in London in 1963. Has there ever been a more exciting rock n' roll band than the Stones?  Definitely not!!  They are the rarest of the rare.Great at 18 and better at 70. They are a touring testimony for living the Guilty Pleasure lifestyle.

It's a lifestyle we hope you embrace as well.  Why not Join the club and host a great Rock n''roll party. We know the perfect caterer.  Rock Stars like you love our healthy food and creative menus.  Enjoying great music, great libations and great food is always a Guilty Pleasure.

The Rolling Stones played two unforgettable concerts this past summer in London's Hyde Park in front of over 150,000 fans each night. Tickets for the outdoor concerts sold out in just three minutes.  The band decided to celebrate their long success in Hyde Park.  Their performance in the fabled park in 1969 made them a worldwide phenomenon. They were the voice of discontentment and questioning authority.

If you are lucky enough to enjoy the brilliantly filmed movie on the 2013 Hyde Park Concerts, you'll find yourself dancing with Guilty and staying forever young.  No need to be down in front.  Check out this video from the Hyde Park 2013 Concert 

Monday, January 13, 2014

The Guilty Pleasures Re-Lounging Doctrine and the end of the Cold War...

Times may change, but the need for visionary leadership remains the same.  In all facets of life we need stewardship that's ingenious, forward thinking, daring and wise. We fondly look back at two remarkable men who were all of that and then some, Reagan and Gorbachev. Sources have reportedly disclosed that they discretely endorsed the Guilty Pleasure lifestyle by creating a global economic renaissance. The Presidents of both countries empowered millions of their citizens to embrace change while staying out in front of this groundbreaking movement with innovative ideas to expand international trade. This Dynamic Duo thrived under pressure and yet, recognized the importance of maintaining balance.  That's where the fun starts.

My balancing formula includes researching Guilty facts and enjoying a well-earned Guilty Pleasure moment with Thin Mint.  Down in the front row, we call that unwinding process ReLounging.  Yes ReLounging!  When the food's world class and the company's even better, lounging in Guilty Town is just not enough. You need to extend the merriment and ReLounge in style.

Surprisingly, this refreshing relaxation approach is not optional, it's mandatory for some folks.  Guilty Guardians require people in the Front Row to overindulge when ReLounging.  Club Members ares morally mandated by the Guilty Pleasure ReLounging Doctrine to push the limits of fun when savoring a Guilty Pleasure like a thick porterhouse steak cooked rare accompanied by single Malt Scotch or Kentucky Bourbon .

This little known lifestyle policy for the VIP section was reportedly negotiated by Presidents Reagan and Gorbachev at their 1986 summit conference in Reykjavik, Iceland. The two most powerful men in the world unanimously decreed that you must Re-Lounge to fully decompress. Reagan knew this dicey doctrine would create a economic windfall throughout Europe and Wall Street.  The legendary GOP patriarch reportedly said it's the American Dream to pursue Guilty Bliss and this daring trade policy must be mandated. "Halfway home to Happiness, will not get it done Mr. Gorbachev, We must ReLounge with great taste and the markets will open." the former 40th U.S. President may have nobly declared.

Many political historians now believe that this groundbreaking joint executive ruling led to the tearing down of the Berlin Wall and the end of the Cold War.

For me, relounging means consorting with a 109 pound Goldendoodle, wooing an always-captivating skinny chick and enjoying two remarkable teenagers. Afterwards, I ascend to the next level of private enjoyment required by the Re-Lounging Doctrine. Sometimes it's surfing the net for great guilty vacations. Other times it's a very smooth tequila and the Colbert Report. Occasionally it's a lunar gaze and smoke signals.

Each of us takes a different path to Guiltyville and the personal pleasures that follow. Remember to strictly follow the Re-Lounging Doctrine. The Guilty Counsel has declared there is no more important guilty pleasure than nourishing the body and re-lounging the spirit.

If only room service was part of that far-reaching Presidential decree.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Good manners are always a Guilty Pleasure

Usually the conversation in Guilty's Garden is very a positive discussion.We love promoting an opulent lifestyle, catering incredible parties and making new friends in the front row, Our blog's mission is to provide lots of good humor, a healthy respect for over-indulgence, a open forum for dicey situations, some daring adventure ideas, decadent travel suggestions and occasionally, some social commentary.

Today it's a societal rant.  Everyday Guilty fights a Battle Royale that I constantly lose.

No, it's not my weight, although that's a endless struggle of titanic proportions.

No, it's not business development. We consistently win that competition with a superior product and world class service.

No, it's not joy of being almost sixty years old in a youthful world. I continually savor each part of life's amazing journey.

It's the never ending assault on the human handshake of "Thank you" and "You're welcome." That exchange has been replaced at the retail counter by "Thank you" and the Slackerish response of "No Problem." I feel like saying,"Of course it's no problem, it 's your job to assist me with my checkout." This disinterested attitude is unfortunately a sign of our troubled times.  Yes, it's generational and yes, it's tragic.

Don't get me wrong, there is definitely an appropriate time to say "No problem."  For example, during a lunchtime delivery of our delicious food, someone thoughtfully holds the door open for me. I am most appreciative of their assistance and I quickly let them know how helpful they have been. "Thank you very much," I remark and they often reply "No problem." This is proper use of the "No problem" response. It was not their job to hold the door open, it was their sense of humanity. That interaction is always an uplifting moment.

Times change and language evolves, but giving respect is always a constant. Great manners and kind gestures are always a Guilty Pleasure.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

High Altitudes and Attitudes in Breckenridge.

We've heard that the skiing above the clouds in the Rockies is sensational this year. The slopes out west are packed with fresh powder and there's plethora of new trails to explore. If fact, Guilty was hoping to hook up with a few old friends in Breckenridge this weekend, but for some reason, they aren't picking up their cell phones. I wonder what those legendary party animals are up to?  One can only imagine the countless Guilty Pleasure moments that those club members have inspired over the years.     With Peyton and the Broncos playing at home tomorrow, it's good to be in Guilty in Colorado.

Friday, January 10, 2014

Working out Guilty style

Yesterday was a very successful day for Provence Catering at The Wharton School. Great Food! Great Clients! Great Caterer!  Zero Waste!!!  What could be better?  

Of course, being around such a bountiful and beautiful buffet means we need to workout more. Thankfully, Guilty has a plan

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Guilty's going Green and it's long overdue. .

There is not enough Crown Royal Maple to dull the pain of working 140 days straight.

There is not enough Don Julio tequila in my shot glass to quench my thirst for fun.

Perhaps a change in my vacation plans is afoot. I am actively searching the web for opulent accommodations and cheap airfare.  That dicey combo is always a fantastic search criteria.  We have had enough of drudgery of winter. The recent cold snap has empowered us to fight back against the extreme weather with a Guilty vengeance. We considered several options like a 3 day trip to Vegas or a Manhattan getaway weekend that includes a shopping spree at Brooklyn's Smorgasburg.  That weekly open air market is a Guilty Pleasure sanctuary.

Both of options sounded good, but we need mountaintops.  Guilty and Thin Mint are planning a winter getaway to Snow Basin.  It's one of the Guilty's favorite hideouts, Removing yourself from the paralyzing process of work and skiing where the Eagles glide, is the key to my relaxational recovery. Skiing in Utah with a stopover in Colorado in late March is a Guilty Dream.

Guilty's going green and it's long overdue.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Guiltilicous Southern Crawl is totally Charleston

The most memorable days in the catering commissary are when the event calendar is completely full and the chefs are preparing all kinds of delicious food.  I tend to get spellbound by all the great sauces, incredible entrees and tasty side dishes especially when our Dixie smoker is billowing against a frozen sky.  It's totally awesome. My Guilty Meter is maxed out. Then, all of this fantastic food comes together in an Epicurean dance that is strictly cutting edge. Our goal is to make sure each menu is a gastronomic feast that's meant to be savored and pared.

Then it the middle of all this full scale production, one chef slips away and makes a surprise breakfast for everyone. How great is that?  Today's Guilty Feast was scrambled eggs. southern grits with smoked ham & red eye gravy accompanied by miniature grilled Fontina Cheese sandwiches with Orange Marmelade.  It was totally Charleston. I love that Southern crawl across my plate.

All that was missing were those warm Guiltilicious Apple Fritters with snow on top. How scrumptious does that sound.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

No Mas No Mas

I feel like Roberto Duran.  NO MAS  NO MAS!!!   I've had more than enough of this deep freeze challenge. Nobody wants to play a round of Survivor without the tropics. Certainly not me. However, regardless of the temperature in Philadelphia, Guilty must carry on. That's because even on the worst days of the year, Guilty and the Guilty Pooch need to be walked.  We're inseparable on the sidewalk.

I am now back inside from an Artic blast that is almost indescribable. Let's just say it's six degrees outside and my eye lids were frozen shut?  TOTALLY SHUT. OMG Now ten minutes removed from the bitter elements and my teeth are still chattering. This weather is surreal and most unwelcome. I'm just happy to be inside, thawing out and enjoying the greatest Guilty Pleasure of them all, a HEATED HOME.

Others aren't so fortunate to be at home.  Have you noticed the hoards of people stranded at airports across the country because of the cold or Homeland Security concerns.  It's insane. Traveling this winter has been treacherous. There are so many travelers impacted by these frigid temperatures it's difficult to even comprehend.  I want no part of that nightmare.  Thankfully, I am attached to a massive shaggy dog with a cold nose and huge appetite.  Loving your pet is definitely a pleasure, guilty or not.

Monday, January 6, 2014

Cold Day, Hot spicy soup. We will survive

Wow!!!  The weather is really extreme.  It was almost tropical this morning and the downpour was like a Monsoon.  However, no one cares.  That's because everyone is waiting for the thermometer drop 50 degrees this afternoon when we get hit by a Polar Vortex.  We are preparing for the Ice Age.  Break out the hand and foot warmers, it's Artic Monday in GuiltyTown.  

Our winter weather this year  has been horrible.  Shivering in the cold makes a grown man crumble. Thankfully we have a Guilty skill set to combat the elements. Someday's we look to the kitchen for nourishment and someday's pleasure.  Today we seek warmth and escape.  Let the daydreaming begin.  I am Jonesing for a change in the weather.  While no vacation is possible,  we need some Guilty relief to melt away the ice.

The chefs are in this morning at 7 am for full production and relief is on the horizon.  I have put a spicy Pork Ginger soup with mustard greens and Asian noodles on the top of the production list.  I need that fire from within.

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Guiltytown embraces Alternative Medicine.

Going green Guilty style.

I want to eat healthier in 2014 and beyond.  That means incorporating more vegetables into my diet.  With a new International Market close by, Guilty is going green.  I love my veggies and it's time to get serious. about my diet.  Lately I have been enjoying whole artichokes with our son, Guilty Too.  He loves spicy food and that includes these Mediterranean vegetables.  Low in calories and high in vitamins, these garden globes are awesome in so many ways.

Once you know the rules of eating them, artichokes are a true Guilty Pleasure.  From purple to green. artichokes come in many beautiful colors. There are so many delicious artichoke recipes to enjoy and you always get a huge portion.   Have you noticed the size of these enormous veggies. They can grow to be as big as a volleyball.  Whole artichokes can be stuffed or savored leaf by leaf and the best part is that you don't have to share them.  The leaves are endless and fun to eat. With the right yogurt dipping sauce, you don't even have to count calories.  Here are some cooking light recipes that are quite tasty.

Or you can cut them into quarters and enjoy the hearts.  Here are some other recipes and cooking tips.

Saturday, January 4, 2014

M&M Commercials are a Guilty Pleasure

I love those new M&M commercials.  They are really fun and quite clever.  I especially like the slightly devious chocolate M&M strutting about in her white high-heels with the chocolate toe.  Her sophisticated look and feisty personality is winning me over. She's really cunning and looking quite tasty in her 5th Avenue pumps. With those Foster Grants, that stylish candy is Guilty hot!!!

Rumors are circulating that a certain sophisticated cutie may join the Guilty Pleasures Club.    


                       We welcome delicious new club membership like this!!!

Friday, January 3, 2014

Snowed in and working wonders

The entire Northeast is being whipped by a major winter storm.  When did we become Manitoba?  Worse than the blanket of icy snow, the frigid temperatures and killer winds are life threatening.  Businesses are closed and we are hunkered down for a long weekend.  Of course, I am well-prepared for a Guilty Pleasure or three.  

However, I am getting a little antsy from a business prospective.  It's just too much down time for me. The idleness of the holidays must end.  I want to get back to work. January is always an important month for business development and filling up our event calendar. Snow days do not help our regional economy. Yet somehow we are working wonders and meeting with six brides this weekend at the beautiful Lochwood Estate.

Lochwood is a new to market venue and prime wedding dates are starting to fill up. The estate is one of the former locations of American Bandstand.  This venue features a classically refurbished barn with a funky balcony and Hemingwayesque built-in bar.  With four rolling acres. Lochwood is the perfect location for a rustic Guilty Pleasures Wedding, Company Picnic or Family Reunion.  Breakout the smoker, share a micro brew and dance round the firepit.  Let's have some country fun.  Think outside the box.  There's a great Guilty time waiting for you in Skippack, PA.  Give us a call.  610-539-8330.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Onion Ring Junkie or Guilty Pleasure Enthusiast. You decide.

I have a dark and crispy secret that needs to be disclosed.. There is no way to ignore the truth.  I must come clean to all of you in this opulent forum.  I have waited years to publicly disclose my secret decadent addiction to my Guilty Brethren.  

I am an Onion Rings Junkie and the Lord of the Onion Rings. There, I have said it!  I cannot live in the dark shadows anymore and ignore the societal burdens associated with this ultimate Guilty Pleasure. My darkness with a fryer runs deep. If I could main line this deep-fried salted delicacy into my taste buds, I would. Is that sinful or ingenious? You know my answer!

With that sense of logic and lordship, who wouldn't be clandestine? My quest for battered and fried onions goes well beyond the double fryers at work.
I have made it through many a Funeral Repass or Shiva luncheon with my hand stuck in a bowl of salty Onion Straws.  They are so addictive, providing a crunchy comfort to your friends and family. You cannot stop eating them.

There are so many different varieties of Onions and Onion Rings recipes to enjoy.  I crave them all.  Are we loving deep-fried Vidalia's? Are we savoring spicy fried Red Onion rings? Is there a Tempura Onion platter that I have not dreamed about?  Are we mingling with a rotund Spanish onion?

Are we giving a new purpose to mild white onions? They are all so tempting.  From the wide ringlets served up in Dixie's finest dives to Tony Roma's famed Onion loaf  to Emeril's spicy offering, there is no better Guiltorious indulgence than a galaxy of deep-friend orbs. While the Tony Roma onion loaf recipe is always the headliner, take a look at this recipe on the helpful, yet . I particularly like their "Hints for a Tiny tummy."  

With a Guilty addiction, you need every trick in the book to beat the calorie counter.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

It's Primo Party Time Guilty Nation. Philadelphia has arrived!!!

Happy New Year GuiltyNation and welcome to the Front Row. It's getting a little crowded in this corner of Guiltytown, but we love having company. New Years Day is the perfect time to plan an exciting Winter or Spring party. Why wait for the Super Bowl to have Guilterrific Bash?  The NFL playoffs start this Saturday and there's four weekends of primo partying just around the corner. With or without Philadelphia's beloved Eagles, all of these thrilling games deserve the pleasure of Front Row Hospitality. Make this year's playoffs special with a chic and happening party catered by Provence.  Enjoying our Mardi Gras menu with The Birds and the Delta Blues is definitely a fantastic Guilty Pleasure celebration.

We love spicy Cajun food and NFL football.  Five percent of all of our football parties will be donated to Habitat for Humanity and their stellar efforts in rebuilding the Crescent City.

Here is the Ultimate Super Bowl Party menu-Cajun style. The entire Super Bowl experience is always a Guilty Pleasures Jubilee. Welcome to the show!



Gulf shrimp marinated in Cajun New Orleans spices, barbequed

and served skewered with a sweet chili dipping sauce.

Ground lamb seasoned with fresh herbs, blended with

goat cheese, collard greens and toasted pine nuts

wrapped in puff pastry, baked until golden.


Crawfish, langostino lobster and white fish blended with sweet

Vidalia onions, red and green bell peppers, fresh garlic and herbs pan sautéed served with a spicy creole mustard.

Tender strips of flank steak marinated in garlic, cilantro and tequila,

grilled and skewered, served with a teriyaki dipping sauce.


An assortment of cheeses and meats to include Pepperoni, Genoa salami, kalamata olives, Vermont Cabot Cheddar, Brie and Swiss Emmenthal accompanied by roasted red peppers, grilled zucchini, yellow squash, marinated mushrooms, eggplant, red seedless
grapes, sliced French baguettes and Carr’s wafers.



House smoked loin of pork marinated in dry spices and loin of pork

slow smoked over mesquite wood. Served with a Jalapeno Corn Salsa.


Petite morsels of langostino lobster, Lousiana crawfish and applewood

smoked bacon baked in a pie topped with a flaky filo crust.


Boneless breast of chicken seared with cracked black peppercorns

accompanied by a traditional brandy, shallot and mustard demi glace.

Toasted orzo blended with roasted garlic moons, toasted pine nuts and fresh herbs


Roasted and grilled farm fresh zucchini, yellow squash, portobello mushrooms, sweet Vidalia onions, carrots, bell peppers, eggplant seasoned with extra virgin olive oil and fresh thyme.

Red leaf, romaine, radicchio and frisee lettuces tossed with cucumber, red Bermuda onions, grape tomatoes and candied pecans drizzled with a sweet and spicy tarragon vinaigrette.


Served with sweet butter.



Traditional vanilla infused creme brulee served two ways:

Cayenne Pepper and Black Sesame seed.

A "Nawlins" classic. Cooked to order in a sautee pan.

Blondies, brownies, cookies and bar style treats.

    Spicy Nawlins food, the red hot Eagles and BB King. OMG!!!  
   Let's cheer the Birds on in style Guilty Nation.