Up early and fighting off the shivers. It's 4 degrees out and the wind is howling like a Grey Wolf. Guilty needs a diversion. Something gooey. Something sinful, Something flavorful. Something decadent. Something
Guiltorious. Something with a twist. Fortunately I have our top secret Guilty Database at my disposal. Of course, I know just perfect perfect antidote to the Artic blast. It's not your typical morning meal.
I am having a Danish Ham and grilled cheese sandwich for breakfast. The melted cheeses are a Wisconsin Extra Sharp Cheddar and Maytag Beau Cheese. OMG! It's a deliciously decadent sandwich that you can savor anytime of day. This gooey
Guilty Pleasure lights my fire and warms my soul.
Okay, now who took the first bite? Anybody see Thin Mint?