We have been eagerly waiting for two packages of guilty goodies to find their way to our test kitchen at Provence Catering and as fate would have it, they both arrived yesterday.
Three weeks ago we featured the fantastic four hot fudges from Herrell's Ice Cream Shop of Northampton, MA. Before we could really sample their guiltiness, we needed to procure some decadent ice cream for this important tasting. The brain trust at Herrel's rose to the challenge and shipped us an eight pint selection of their finest ice creams. Is this a great job or what? Tomorrow afternoon we are having a company wide ice cream social. We let you know our favorites and who asked for seconds. Yes, I will be guilty as charged.
Four weeks ago we mentioned the low-sodium Cajun seasonings of Southern Barbecue. We enjoyed their incredible dry rub on bar-be-que chicken while tailgating at the Phillies. Their authentic Southern seasoning was delicious, but gone from our memory all too quickly. Mercifully, our guilty taste buds received a reprieve from the Governor as a case of their new product line of flavored basting oils, Grill-N-Que sauce and dry rubs arrived at Provence. On Friday afternoon we will be having a rib revival complete with a sermon on the joys of guiltiness as we sample three different versions of Danish baby backs.
Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah Guilt is good.