Monday, November 2, 2009

Liver, Bacon & Onions!

Yes, You read that right! A secret pleasure, one that is not indulged in often, but a pleasure none the less! I do not share this with non-foodies who would certainly shun me and turn away in disgust but I feel that on here, among so many other foodies I can confess. "I admit, I am powerless to Calves liver saute with bacon & onions"

Yesterday, I had the great pleasure of trying some tender and rich Calves liver saute with bacon & sweet red onions. The Piper Tavern in Bucks County was the location and the meal was perfect for a beautiful fall day. Just close your eyes and imagine: Bacon rendered of its fat, sweet onions gently caramelized until golden in the rendered fat. Sweet calves liver seasoned to perfection and lightly floured then pan fried in the bacon fat & butter until golden. A hint of cream added to the pan to increase the decadence as the onions & bacon are added back to the pan. Sounds like heaven to me. For us foodies, these simple Guilty Pleasures are often the cornerstones of great memories and incredible feasts. This Guilty Pleasure may not be for everyone but for us foodies it is a joy and OFFAL pleasure!