Thursday, January 9, 2014

Guilty's going Green and it's long overdue. .

There is not enough Crown Royal Maple to dull the pain of working 140 days straight.

There is not enough Don Julio tequila in my shot glass to quench my thirst for fun.

Perhaps a change in my vacation plans is afoot. I am actively searching the web for opulent accommodations and cheap airfare.  That dicey combo is always a fantastic search criteria.  We have had enough of drudgery of winter. The recent cold snap has empowered us to fight back against the extreme weather with a Guilty vengeance. We considered several options like a 3 day trip to Vegas or a Manhattan getaway weekend that includes a shopping spree at Brooklyn's Smorgasburg.  That weekly open air market is a Guilty Pleasure sanctuary.

Both of options sounded good, but we need mountaintops.  Guilty and Thin Mint are planning a winter getaway to Snow Basin.  It's one of the Guilty's favorite hideouts, Removing yourself from the paralyzing process of work and skiing where the Eagles glide, is the key to my relaxational recovery. Skiing in Utah with a stopover in Colorado in late March is a Guilty Dream.

Guilty's going green and it's long overdue.