I feel like Roberto Duran. NO MAS NO MAS!!! I've had more than enough of this deep freeze challenge. Nobody wants to play a round of Survivor without the tropics. Certainly not me. However, regardless of the temperature in Philadelphia, Guilty must carry on. That's because even on the worst days of the year, Guilty and the Guilty Pooch need to be walked. We're inseparable on the sidewalk.
I am now back inside from an Artic blast that is almost indescribable. Let's just say it's six degrees outside and my eye lids were frozen shut? TOTALLY SHUT. OMG Now ten minutes removed from the bitter elements and my teeth are still chattering. This weather is surreal and most unwelcome. I'm just happy to be inside, thawing out and enjoying the greatest Guilty Pleasure of them all, a HEATED HOME.
Others aren't so fortunate to be at home. Have you noticed the hoards of people stranded at airports across the country because of the cold or Homeland Security concerns. It's insane. Traveling this winter has been treacherous. There are so many travelers impacted by these frigid temperatures it's difficult to even comprehend. I want no part of that nightmare. Thankfully, I am attached to a massive shaggy dog with a cold nose and huge appetite. Loving your pet is definitely a pleasure, guilty or not.