Thursday, October 1, 2009

Our son's Bar Mitzvah is a wonderful guiltless pleasure...

The Bar Mitzvah weekend of the Year is about to begin. Family and friends from around the globe are flying in to share in our happiness. It's a family experience unlike any other and the vibe is amazing.

As the caterer, we are there for many special family moments. Of course, it's vastly different when it's your own reception. There is so much to take care of on many levels. As the host, we are blessed to know the true joy watching your children shine in the limelight. It's an incredible experience.

Our son has been preparing for a year for this milestone event and he is ready to seize his moment. As parents, Thin Mint and I could not be more proud of both of our remarkable children. Being blessed with good health, great friends and good fortune is a wonderful guiltless pleasure.